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- J. J. Thompson
The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2) Page 6
The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2) Read online
Page 6
Simon watched the pulses distrustfully. Why would the thing still be beating when the dragon was dead? It didn't make sense. Unless...
He sat back and considered what Clara had told him.
The dragons had apparently absorbed his magic, she said. But watching the steady pulses, he had a feeling that they had done something else.
Simon believed that the beasts had redirected the power, into themselves. He knew that the magic that the gods, both Good and Evil, were streaming into the Earth's atmosphere was like a river. It flowed steadily, being used by creatures and some humans, but constantly being refilled.
He guessed that the heart was still pulsing because it was still absorbing the power that was meant for him, sent by the gods of Order.
Which means, he thought excitedly, that if I can destroy this thing and the other one, the magic will find me again.
He felt exhilarated at the thought but hesitated as he continued to study the heart.
The thing had survived the explosive death of its host. Which meant that it was anything but fragile. So the question was; how do you destroy the heart of a dragon?
He got up and made his tea, thinking it through. A hammer and chisel maybe? He glanced at the heart. Possibly. The thing looked like crystal, after all, although he doubted that the substance was something as simple as that.
He stood and leaned back on the kitchen counter, sipping his tea. Now that he actually had one of the things in his possession, he was reluctant to attempt its destruction.
Why the hesitation?
He searched through his feelings and realized that he didn't want to do half a job. While he really wanted his magic back, destroying only one heart wouldn't do it. He needed both gone before he would be whole again.
Once he had finished his tea, his decision was made. He would wait until he had both of the damned things in hand before he attempted their destruction. It wasn't really logical, but the thought was more satisfying.
So he put on his thick gloves, carefully picked up the pulsing ovoid and set it on the floor against the wall.
“Soon,” he told it. “I'll take care of you soon, you leech.”
The rest of the evening he spent trying to read by the fire. But the flashing heart, steadily throbbing with red light, weighed on his mind and he couldn't concentrate.
Finally, Simon tossed aside his book, gave the heart a final glare and headed for bed. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.
After a restless night, Simon arose to find that the snow had stopped overnight and the morning had dawned clear and bright. It was still bitterly cold but at least he wouldn't get lost as he tramped across the countryside in search of the other dragon's remains.
He ate a hurried breakfast, dressed in warm clothing again and grabbed his shovel. Then he banked the fire so that it would last for hours, glanced briefly at the dragon heart in the corner, and headed out.
As he stood knee-deep in the snow in front of the tower, he tried to remember exactly where the dragons had been battling in the sky when the loser fell to its death.
West, he was sure of that. But how far? And was it more to the south or the north.
He ground his teeth in exasperation. This might be impossible. The thought of waiting for the spring thaw was almost painful, but digging holes randomly for days or weeks would be a total waste of time.
I need more than luck for this, he thought. I need a miracle.
With a lot of effort, Simon managed to pry open the locking mechanisms on his front gates and forced one open wide enough for him to slip through. He took one or two steps and then stopped short.
“A fine day for a walk in the winter air, is it not?” a voice asked.
The wizard turned his head to the left with a snap and stared.
Ethmira was standing on top of the snow, as if she weighed no more than a feather, and smiling at his expression.
“Good morning, my friend,” she said and chuckled as he continued to gape at her.
“Ethmira? My God, what are you doing here?” he finally managed to ask in a strangled voice.
“Oh, you know. Wandering the land, enjoying the freedom now that the primal black has fallen. Helping wayward wizards. That sort of thing.”
Simon still wasn't convinced that the elven woman wasn't just a product of wishful thinking. His face must have given that away and Ethmira's smile broadened.
“No need to doubt your senses, young wizard. I am as real as I seem. Our Elders have been watching you from time to time, as you know, and contacted me. They said that you needed aid in tracking something down. They weren't very specific though.”
Simon thrust his shovel into the snow, pulled off a glove and extended his hand. Ethmira came forward and shook it. Her hand, though bare, was very warm.
“I'm very glad to see you,” Simon said. “Normally the idea that I'm being watched would be unsettling, but today I'm grateful for it.”
“Good,” the elf said. “Now, what can I do to help you?”
The wizard stared at the elven maiden for a moment. She was wearing her usual clothing; leathers dyed in various shades of green, no gloves, light shoes. He felt even colder just looking at her.
“Would you like to come in and warm up?” he asked a bit anxiously.
Ethmira laughed lightly.
“I'm fine, my friend. Elves don't feel the cold the way that humans do. We draw upon the life force of nature at all times and it protects us.”
“Um, okay. That's handy, I suppose.”
“Yes. Now, about that object you are trying to find?”
Simon blinked, still a bit shocked at the elf appearing at exactly the right time.
Just how closely do these Elders of hers watch me, anyway? It was an uncomfortable thought.
“Oh right, the search. Well, believe it or not, I need to find a dragon's heart.”
It was Ethmira's turn to stare at him in surprise.
“A dragon's heart?” she repeated.
Simon nodded.
“And what would a dragon's heart be doing lying around in the snow?”
Realizing that it would just be easier to tell her everything from the beginning, Simon explained about the dragon attack and his loss of magic. The elf listened intently, nodding occasionally but not interrupting. When he had finished, the wizard waited for her reaction, stomping his feet once in a while to keep his circulation flowing.
“Now I understand the Elders' interest,” she said. “As an ally, and the only known wizard on this New Earth, they would want your powers restored as soon as possible.”
“That's good of them,” Simon said a bit dryly.
“Well, it does serve their interests, Simon, but it serves yours as well, doesn't it?”
“True that. And I'm far from ungrateful.”
He swung his arms from side to side, trying to warm up.
“So if you can help, could we get started? I'm getting a bit stiff from the cold.”
Ethmira actually looked startled and then seemed to notice his constant movements.
“Oh, forgive me! I'm still not used to being around humans, even Changlings like yourself. Of course you're uncomfortable.”
She looked toward the west.
“You say that it fell from the sky in that direction?”
“Yes, somewhere over there,” he said, pointing vaguely. “I wish I'd been paying closer attention at the time, but the other dragon was barreling straight at the tower after it won that fight and I was more concerned with the immediate threat.”
Ethmira stood silently, obviously thinking deeply.
“Before we start, I'd like to see that first heart if I could. It might help me locate its mate.”
“Really?” Simon asked dubiously. “Well sure, if you think it could help. Come inside. I can make you some tea if you like.”
He squeezed back through the gate and the elf followed gracefully.
“That sounds lovely,” she said as
they walked up to the front door. “Your tea is always excellent.”
Simon opened the door and felt instant relief as he entered the warm room. He hadn't been gone long enough for the cold to seep into the tower and he took off his gloves and coat gratefully.
“It's over there,” he said to Ethmira and pointed to the heart resting in the corner.
She hurried over to the crystalline object and knelt down next to it.
Simon hung up his coat and added a log to the fire before he filled the kettle. Then he hung it over the fire and got cups out of the cupboard. All the while, he watched Ethmira surreptitiously as she stared deeply at the heart but didn't touch it.
“So what do you think?” he asked finally as he walked across the room and offered her a cup of tea.
“Hmm? Oh, thank you, Simon.” She sipped and smiled appreciatively. “Lovely, as usual. What do I think?”
She looked down at the heart and her lips tightened.
“I think that this is a cursed piece of filth, to be quite honest with you.”
Her tone was one of disgust and Simon looked at her in surprise.
“Really? Why? I mean, I know that the dragons are evil but...”
The elf stood up, walked over to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and glowered at the heart.
“It's more than that.”
Simon sat down next to her and listened attentively.
“This...thing is still alive, in its own foul way. It is sucking magic from the very air around it and storing it for use by a dragon that no longer even exists.”
She shook her head in a quick gesture.
“It goes against the laws of nature. It is an abomination to me and would be to my people as well. It must be destroyed.”
“Yeah, well, that's the plan,” Simon said quietly. “But I wanted to wait until I had both in hand before doing that.”
“Because your magic will not return until both are destroyed?”
He nodded solemnly.
“Hmm, yes. That makes sense, I suppose.”
Ethmira finished her tea and stood up abruptly.
“Very well. The sooner I find that second heart, the sooner we can destroy these accursed things.”
As Simon stood up, she waved at him to be seated again.
“I mean no offense, my friend. But I travel over snow much faster than you travel through it. I will find the heart more quickly alone. Wait here in the warmth. I won't be long.”
“But how can you find it by yourself?” Simon objected as he sat down again. “Won't you need my help?”
“Again, no offense meant, but no. I will feel the heart drawing magic into itself when I am in its proximity. You've pointed me in the right direction. That is all the help I will need.”
She walked to the front door and opened it.
“While I am gone, give some thought on how we are supposed to smash these things. I'd guess that that will be much more challenging than finding them was.”
She left and closed the door firmly behind her.
Simon sat staring at the door for a minute, both grateful that he wouldn't have to slog through miles of snow and freezing temperatures, and a bit embarrassed that he was so useless.
Still, Ethmira was right. Finding the hearts was all well and good, but if he couldn't destroy them, it would be a waste of time.
He grabbed his winter gloves, went over and carried the heart back to the table. Then he sat down and contemplated the pulsing crystal.
He picked up the spoon he used to stir his tea and tentatively tapped one of the spikes. To his surprise, the crystal rang like a glass bell. He tapped a second spike and another tone rang out, but a different note this time.
Huh, he thought. If I practiced, maybe I could learn to play a song on the bloody thing.
With a snort, he dropped the spoon and stood up.
Time to get that hammer and chisel from the basement, he decided and headed for the stairs.
It couldn't have been more than an hour later when Ethmira pushed open the front door, followed by a blast of frigid air and walked into the room.
Simon had been tapping the heart at different spots with the hammer and jumped up with surprise, as if he'd been caught doing something naughty.
Ethmira grinned at his reaction as she slammed the door closed and then held up a package wrapped in thick cloth. Where she'd gotten the material, he had no idea.
“I found the horrid thing,” she said with a touch of pride and, after stomping the snow off of her feet on the doormat, walked across to the table and set her prize beside the heart.
She unwrapped it and Simon stared at the revealed heart with some surprise.
Unlike the first crystalline ovoid, this dragon heart was almost yellow, with veins of green shot through it. It had the same spiky appearance as the other, and was also pulsing with a steady beat.
Once she unwrapped the heart, Ethmira sat down and stared at them both. She looked tired and Simon hurried to make her a cup of tea.
“I find it interesting to know that dragons actually burn up when they die,” she said idly as she looked from one heart to the other.
Simon handed her some tea and sat down.
“Red dragons burn up,” he reminded her. “The black actually exploded when it shorted out in the deep water of the river.”
“Hmm, good point. I wonder how the others meet their ends. I'd like to be a part of as many dragon deaths as possible.”
The wizard was slightly chilled by her eager tone of voice.
“You really hate them, don't you?” he asked quietly.
She turned to look at him and Simon was surprised to see tears shining in her eyes.
“Yes, my friend. I really do. The dragons and their minions destroyed almost all of my people millennia ago. The remnants only survived because our Elders found a way to retreat through the veil between worlds to a new homeland.”
She turned and looked deeply into the flames in the fireplace, her expression grim.
“Mortals like the humans and the dwarves know that they have a set time upon the Earth. They know that death is inevitable. But for an immortal to die, not through accident or disease, but through wanton violence, well...the grief of my people is unending.”
Ethmira looked at Simon again and smiled at his expression.
“Why do you think we are helping you? Your people, these Changlings as you call yourselves, are doomed by the same powers that almost wiped out my own race. We cannot, we will not, stand idly by and allow that to happen. Not again.”
Simon stared at her in amazement.
So that's why they watch me so closely, he thought.
He was touched by Ethmira's concern, and that of her people, and tried to stammer out a thank you. She just smiled and held up a hand.
“I just wanted you to know why we do what we do, Simon. And now that I've explained that,” she looked at the pair of pulsing hearts, “let's destroy these damned things, shall we?”
Chapter 5
Ethmira stood up and looked at the hammer and chisel that Simon had brought up from storage. She raised an eyebrow and stared at the tools.
“You think you can break the hearts with those?” she asked doubtfully.
Simon rose as well and picked up the tools.
“Well, I don't know,” he answered a little defensively. “I figured that it would be a place to start, at least.”
She simply shrugged and stepped back.
“Go ahead then. Let's see if they're as fragile as they appear to be.”
Simon felt a bit ridiculous as he slipped on his gloves and put the end of the chisel against the base of one of the spikes. Ethmira obviously didn't think this was going to work, and he was inclined to agree with her. But like he'd said, you had to start somewhere.
“Okay,” he said as he gritted his teeth. “Here goes nothing.”
He raised the hammer and slammed it down on the flat end of th
e chisel. The crystal rang out like a peal of bells and the chisel shot out of his hand and spun across the room to land in a corner.
Simon felt the vibration of his strike shoot up his arm and send painful tingles throughout his entire body. He held on to the hammer with an effort and waited for the shaking to subside.
“Well, that didn't work,” Ethmira commented, unnecessarily, he thought.
“No, it didn't, did it?” he said with a touch of sarcasm.
She shot him a look and he shrugged, embarrassed.
“At least we know it's harder than it looks,” Simon said.
He peered at the spike he had hit and couldn't find even a scratch.
“Any other ideas?” the elf asked. She sounded genuinely curious and Simon could only shrug again.
“Not right off hand. You?”
“Perhaps,” she answered thoughtfully, tapping her lower lip with a forefinger.
“Although it looks like crystal, it obviously isn't,” she continued. “I'd guess that it is closer in structure to diamonds.”
Simon put his hands on the table and leaned in close to the reddish heart.
“That's a good guess. The question is, how do you destroy a diamond?”
Ethmira began to pace back and forth a few steps, frowning at the floor as she walked.
“I believe there are two ways to crack a diamond,” she said, still pacing. “One you just tried; hitting it sharply with an edged tool to break it. That didn't work. The other way is to strike it with something as hard as itself.”
“As hard as itself?”
Simon chuckled and Ethmira stopped and looked at him curiously.
“Sorry,” he said. “But since I don't have any large diamonds just lying around in a drawer someplace, I think we're out of luck.”
Now it was the elf's turn to laugh.
“But Simon, you do have just such a thing.”
“I do?”
She nodded at the pulsing hearts and suddenly he realized what she meant.
“Of course!” he exclaimed with a wide grin. “The only thing as strong as one heart is another one. Why didn't I think of that?”
“You would have, Simon,” Ethmira said in a friendly manner. “In time. Now the bigger question is, how do we smash one heart against the other with enough force to shatter them both?”