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The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2) Page 22
The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2) Read online
Page 22
“Aeris, you know more about magic than I do, or Kronk does. Could the Magic Mirror spell be used to track her down?”
The air elemental raised an eyebrow.
“Certainly, at least in theory. But until you discover that spell and can cast it, it's just wishful thinking.”
Simon and Kronk exchanged broad smiles and Aeris looked at them, confused.
“Wait. Have you actually found the Magic Mirror spell?”
Kronk jumped off of the chair and tip-tapped across the room. He hurried up the stairs while Simon relaxed and drank more wine. He was starting to feel a pleasant buzz and contentedly enjoyed the warmth from the fire as Aeris stared at him, perplexed.
“Where's he gone?” he asked.
“Patience, my friend,” Simon told him with a wide grin. “You've missed a few things while you were convalescing.”
It only took a moment for Kronk to return, hopping down the stairs with a book held over his head. He came back to the chair, jumped up and handed the book to Simon.
“While you were gone, we discovered this in my bookshelf. Don't ask me where it came from; Clara thinks the gods of Light snuck it past their evil relatives somehow. But whatever.”
He flipped through the pages while Aeris watched intently over his shoulder. When he found the list of spells, Simon moved the book over so that the elemental could see better.
“Magic Mirror, Invisibility, Featherfall. But this is wonderful, Simon! These spells are incredibly useful.”
He tapped the list.
“Have you actually used any of them?”
“Yep. I talked to Clara with the Magic Mirror spell and we discovered that she could see me and Kronk if she looked into a mirror at the same time.”
“Yes, that is one of its properties,” Aeris said absently as he scanned the list of spells. “But it can be used for so much more than that.”
“Like what?” Simon asked eagerly.
“Well, for instance, if you use that atlas of yours to find the longitude and latitude of a place, you can actually see it in a mirror using the spell.”
“Yeah, I knew that,” the wizard said and Aeris stared at him in surprise.
“You did?”
“Don't look like that. It's something I remembered from back in my fantasy game playing days. And I'm thrilled to know that that works. So what else can it do?”
Aeris smiled a bit evilly.
“It allows you to spy on others, such as our dark wizard.”
“Seriously? That's amazing!”
Simon felt a thrill of excitement, but then something occurred to him.
“Is it possible for a wizard to sense that they are being watched that way?” he asked cautiously. “She did see you even though you were invisible.”
The question seemed to give Aeris pause.
“”Hmm. I hadn't considered that. I don't really know, to be honest. At a guess, I would say that as long as you kept your distance, something which I foolishly did not, you should go unnoticed.” He shrugged. “I hope.”
Simon finished his wine and then looked from one elemental to the other. He was smiling fondly at them and Aeris watched him, puzzled.
“What is it? Wine finally kicking in?” he asked sarcastically and the wizard burst out laughing. The laughter was a mixture of relief and pleasure and he laughed all the harder at Aeris' look of irritation.
When he finally settled down, Simon wiped his eyes but he couldn't stop grinning.
“No, it's not the wine. I'm just happy that we're back together again. I even missed your bad attitude, you cantankerous elemental, you.”
Aeris stared at him, trying to look offended, but he ended up chuckling. Kronk looked amused.
“Fine then. I've missed both of you as well. You know how I feel about the plane of air. When I came to and realized that I was back home, it was almost as painful as my wounds.”
The elemental looked around the room and heaved a heavy sigh of contentment.
“It is good to be home.”
Chapter 16
The next few days around the tower were some of the most pleasurable that Simon had experienced for quite some time. When he looked back at that time, it seemed like the calm before the storm that was to follow.
Aeris was more helpful with chores, which the wizard was sure would be short-lived, and he was even friendlier than normal to Kronk, who seemed confused by this change of attitude.
Simon explained what had happened while the air elemental was away and Aeris was particularly interested in the news that Bene-Dunn-Gal could store spells for later use.
He floated over to stare at the staff, keeping a respectful distance from the weapon.
“This is more than just a staff, my dear wizard,” he said in a hushed voice. “This is a legendary relic. I had heard of something similar once, but assumed that it was just a story.”
“I'm going to add a few spells to it every day,” Simon told him. “The problem is, it's just as exhausting to cast a spell and store it in Bene-Dunn-Gal as it is to cast it in battle. So I can only do a few at a time before I have to rest.”
He added this last with some irritation and Aeris stared at him with a scowl, hands on his hips as he bobbed up and down in mid-air.
“Don't over-exert yourself, Simon. You don't want to be dealt a setback, especially after suffering through a severe illness like you just have.”
“It was only the flu,” Simon protested. “And how did you even know that?”
“Kronk told me, of course. So don't push yourself too far. We need you strong and healthy if you have to face that evil wizard anytime soon.”
Simon snorted.
“Great. You're just back and Kronk is already telling tales about me.”
He was washing some dishes and wiping down the kitchen counter as he spoke and ended up muttering under his breath about conniving elementals. Secretly though, he was amused that the two were chatting and scheming behind his back to keep him healthy.
“I'll have to have a word with that earthen about spreading gossip,” he added, just to see what Aeris would say.
“Don't bother,” the air elemental declared as he flew over to the counter to watch Simon work. “He only told me because he cares, so don't bully him.”
“Ha! That's your job. I know, I know.”
The two glared at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing. Obviously neither of us was fooling the other, Simon thought happily.
The day after Aeris returned, Simon asked the elemental to join him as he contacted Clara.
“I promised her that I'd get in touch as soon as you got back,” he told Aeris as he sat at his desk in the study, mirror in hand. “She was very concerned about you.”
“She was?”
The elemental floated across the room and hovered by Simon's shoulder. He looked a bit surprised.
“It's nice to know that she cares, I suppose,” he said dubiously.
Simon gave him a little smile and cast Magic Mirror.
When the mist cleared from the mirror's surface, both of them saw Clara walking down one of the narrow roads in Nottinghill. She was just waving at someone out of sight and obviously enjoying the warm spring day.
“Hi Clara,” Simon said loudly.
The cleric stopped abruptly and looked around.
“Simon? You surprised me. How are you?”
“I'm great, thanks. Guess who's back?”
He nodded at Aeris and the elemental spoke up reluctantly.
“Good day, lady cleric,” he said formally.
Clara's eyes widened in surprise.
“Aeris? My goodness. You're home! How wonderful. How are you feeling?”
“I am very well, lady.”
The cleric grinned impishly.
“Why so stiff, my friend? We're at least on a first name basis, aren't we?”
Simon saw the elemental thaw noticeably at the cleric's warm tone.
“Sorry, Clara. You're right, of course. It was a horrible experience, but I'm fine now, thank you.”
“That's better,” the cleric answered as she began to walk again. “Give me a minute to get back to the hall. I want to see you for myself.”
Simon and Aeris watched as Clara hurried through the town and into the main hall. She greeted a few townspeople as she went but didn't stop to talk.
A few minutes later she was sitting in her quarters looking at them through her own mirror.
“And there you are!” she exclaimed as she saw Aeris hovering by Simon's shoulder. “You look as good as new.”
“I am. Believe me, I am. Thank you again. But this isn't just a social call, is it, my dear wizard,” Aeris said pointedly to Simon.
“No, that's true. We wanted to tell you what happened to Aeris and what the situation is now.”
Clara narrowed her eyes and looked at them intently.
“Go ahead. I'm listening,” she told them seriously.
Simon let Aeris tell his story while he sat back and watched the cleric's reaction. She went from looking shocked and angry at the attack on the elemental to pale and tense as he described the dark wizard.
When Aeris was finished, Clara sighed and stared into space, tapping her bottom lip reflectively.
“Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do,” she said, sounding tired. “Now on top of a possible necromancer out there somewhere, we have a rogue wizard who apparently works for the gods of Chaos. And she commands those packs of mutant Changlings. Wonderful.”
“Glad we could brighten your day,” Simon said with a grim smile.
“Well, half-brighten at least. I'm glad to see Aeris back. But the rest? Oh gods, this is bad. And you've made a vow to stop her to Aethos. I'm going to take a guess and say that the elementals won't allow you to wiggle out of that responsibility. Not that you would,” she added hastily.
“No I wouldn't. Well, not in this case at least.”
Simon pondered his alternatives for a moment.
“Aethos didn't say I had to kill her, thankfully. He said I had to stop her, whatever it takes. I just have to figure out how to do that.”
“Stopping a wizard usually means killing them, Simon,” Aeris told him flatly.
“I'm afraid I have to reluctantly agree with Aeris,” Clara said slowly. “If this wizard is killing other Changlings, how else could you stop her? Locking her up wouldn't work. Magic is magic. Even in a cell, she could still cast spells.”
“Especially if she is a master-class wizard,” Aeris added. “She would have enough spells locked in her memory that she would not need to use a spell-book to be a danger.”
Simon squirmed uncomfortably. Cold-blooded murder was simply not something he could see himself doing.
“There are a few alternatives, I suppose,” Aeris said thoughtfully.
“Like what?” Simon looked at him hopefully.
“Well, you could cut out her tongue. If you cannot pronounce a spell, you cannot cast it.”
“Aeris!” Clara exclaimed, shocked.
“What? I didn't say it was a good alternative. And, of course, there's always her true name.”
“What about it?” Simon asked. He knew that a wizard couldn't access their full power without knowing their true name. He had learned his in a dream from one of the old gods. He had to keep it on his body at all times so that he could channel his magic through it.
“If she carries her true name on her person, as we can assume she does, then capturing her and finding it would allow you to nullify her power.”
“It would?” Clara cut in. “That certainly sounds more hopeful. How does that work. Aeris?”
The elemental scowled as he stared at the desk beneath him.
“I'm trying to remember. It wasn't a subject that wizards spoke of openly very often, for obvious reasons. I do remember hearing that someone who knows a wizard's true name cannot be attacked magically by that wizard. Also, there is a process, a spell I suppose, called Siphon Magic, that can be used to drain the power from a magic-user.” He looked at Simon. “Something like what the dragons did to you when they attacked the tower. Without her power, this wizard would be effectively useless to the gods of Chaos. Her power over the packs of monsters she commands would, I believe, be canceled. After that, you could either imprison her or let her go. She would be of little threat.”
“Siphon Magic,” Simon said quietly. “Why does that sound so familiar?”
“Old games, my friend?” Clara asked lightly. She knew that Simon used to play fantasy games back in the old world.
“Possibly,” Simon answered. He sat wracking his brain, trying to loosen the memory from wherever it was buried. Finally he shrugged and looked at Clara.
“It will come to me eventually. Anyway, I wanted to bring you up to speed. I'll think about how to deal with this wizard and let you know when I make a decision. Have your people been informed about the mutant Changlings?”
“Of course. We have strengthened our defenses. Don't worry about us. Just stay safe, all alone up there in your tower.”
“He's not alone, lady,” Aeris said stoutly. “Kronk and I are here to ensure his safety, never fear.”
Clara smiled gently.
“Good. That reassures me, my friend. Call me when you have news.”
“Will do. Talk to you soon,” Simon said and smiled as he canceled the spell.
Both he and Aeris remained silent for a while after speaking with Clara. The elemental moved back to hover over the center of the desk and stared out of the window behind Simon at the field beyond.
The wizard rested his chin on his hands and thought about the best way to neutralize a wizard without killing her.
You killed Madam, a part of him said accusingly.
You can't kill what is already dead, he replied. This mad wizard isn't undead though. She's living and breathing and I don't think that I can just kill another person, unless it's in self-defense.
“Can you do it?” Aeris asked in a small voice. “Can you kill this woman?”
Simon looked at him and shook his head mutely.
“I didn't think so.”
Aeris' tone of voice was more accepting than accusatory. He shrugged.
“So what do we do?”
The wizard sat up slowly and pushed his hair out of his eyes.
“We find another way.”
Chapter 17
A bell started ringing loudly in alarm as Simon, Kronk and Aeris appeared at the front gates of Nottinghill. It was just after noon and it had been two weeks since the wizard had spoken with Clara about the marauding wizard that was ravaging the countryside.
A head popped up over the top of the wall to the right of the gates and stared at them across the moat. The drawbridge was up and the town was closed off.
There was a brief pause and then Simon heard someone shout, “Stop ringing that damned bell! It's the wizard and his elementals.”
He grinned down at Kronk who chuckled deeply.
“I guess I should have told Clara that we'd be Gating over to see her,” he said.
“At least you landed us outside of the wall,” Aeris said from where he hovered on Simon's left side. “If we'd appeared in town, they probably would have shot you.”
“Exactly why I did it,” Simon told him.
The three watched as the drawbridge was slowly lowered and the gates were swung open. By the time they could enter the town, Simon saw that Clara was waiting for them, flanked by two huge men in armor that he had to assume were Malcolm and Aiden, the new guardsmen.
He walked forward with Kronk tip-tapping along on one side and Aeris floating on the other. For a moment, he pictured how they must look as they advanced and he almost started laughing.
Something out of a storybook, he thought. Of weird tales.
Clara waved and then waited until they reached the gates before coming forward and giving the wizard a huge hug.
“Welcome to you
all,” she said warmly. “What a nice surprise. If I'd known you were coming, I would have told the guards and you could have Gated directly into the town hall.”
“I didn't want to disturb you,” Simon said. “And besides, it was a last minute decision.”
Clara looked at him closely and then nodded. She noticed Bene-Dunn-Gal slung over Simon's shoulder and her eyes widened a bit.
“I see. Very well. Now, before I take you up to the hall, allow me to introduce the newest members of our little community.”
She turned and waved at the two armored men.
“That very large fellow with the lovely braids is Malcolm.”
Simon looked up at the guardsman. He was simply the biggest man that the wizard had ever met, even back when he was the old Simon O'Toole.
Malcolm was black with chiseled features and large eyes. The eyes were a surprise. They were the color of honey. He grinned as he removed his plated glove and extended a hand.
“Good to meet you, sir wizard. We've heard some stories about your exploits.”
Simon shook hands, his own skinny fingers engulfed by Malcolm's grip.
“Nice meeting you,” he said with a smile. “And don't believe everything you hear. Stories grow with the telling.”
Malcolm laughed and threw a glance at Clara.
“Yes, I know. But our dear cleric assures me that they are all true and who am I to argue with the chosen of the gods?”
“Oh Malcolm, hush,” Clara said, blushing. “Aiden, can't you keep him in line?”
The other man stepped forward and shook Simon's hand as well. He was chuckling.
“I never have been able to before, so why would it start now? Nice to meet you,” he added to Simon.
Aiden appeared to be of Asian descent but he was almost as large as Malcolm. His face was smooth and pleasant looking and his mane of black hair was longer than Simon's.
“If you get a chance while you're here,” Aiden said to the wizard, “I wonder if you'd tell us about your battle with the black dragon? Hearing about it from someone else isn't the same as hearing it from the man who actually did the deed.”
“Um, sure. If I get a chance,” Simon said, feeling a little uncomfortable. “It was a group effort though. I'm sure Clara and Virginia and the others told you the whole story.”